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Jeff Peters
PLAYER NICKNAME : lookslikebull
Location : North Canton, Ohio, USA
Bragging Rights : Won the outer ring event Heat: Pedal to the Metal in 2023 @ WSBG/Won the Risk 2210 championship in 2005 at GenCon SoCal
Number of Years Competing : This will be year 3
Favorite Game : Heat: Pedal to the Metal
Game that got me Hooked : Squad Leader way back in the day
Why I wanted to come to WSBG : Love playing in competitions that are friendly as well.
Biggest Board Game Nemesis : Don't really have one
Biggest Game tip : Play the games as much as you can so you can learn all the strategies and cards if applicable
For those on the fence I would say : It's just a great tournament and fun environment, great place to meet fellow gamers.