VIEW Player Bio

Nathan Twigg
Location : Harrisonburg, VA USA
Bragging Rights : Prezcon Hall of Fame member, Over 30 tournament wins in a wide variety of games, WSBG Head Judge/Judge for multiple games
Number of Years Competing : 2 years working
Favorite Game : Terraforming Mars
Game that got me Hooked : Monopoly
Why I wanted to come to WSBG : I was asked by the staff to be a judge and I love rules and board games more than most. Who wouldn't want to be a part of history.
Biggest Board Game Nemesis : Probably my wife
Biggest Game tip : Read your cards.
For those on the fence I would say : It's first and for most a competitive tournament so make sure to bring your A game. It's also a ton of fun and we are only adding more things for people to do and experience.