VIEW Player Bio

David McIlmoyl
Location : Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
Bragging Rights : Obsessed Ironman triathlete. I've gone to Ironman World Championships the last 3 years.
Number of Years Competing : 2
Favorite Game : Brass Birmingham
Game that got me Hooked : Terraforming Mars
Why I wanted to come to WSBG : Took on the challenge to learn 16 new games in 13 weeks. (back in 2023). Also to hang with a good buddy of mine.
Biggest Board Game Nemesis : "Steve".... you know who you are Steve, and I'm coming for you....
Biggest Game tip : Try your hardest not to lose... or to suck... in that order.
For those on the fence I would say : My wife said this was a better way to spend my mid life crisis than chasing after young girls in a fancy sports car. She said she wouldn't have to kill me this way. (win / win)