VIEW Player Bio

Ricky Boyes
Location : Bothell, WA, USA
Bragging Rights : 2022 7 Wonders Ring Winner. 2 Time WSBG Gaia Project Finalist. Many WBC plaques.
Number of Years Competing : 3
Favorite Game : Hard to pick just one favorite, I'll say Agricola because it's the game I most feel should be added to WSBG.
Game that got me Hooked : Catan was the first euro I played a lot of, Agricola drew me further in.
Why I wanted to come to WSBG : To play board games at a high level of competition.
Biggest Board Game Nemesis : Cliff Flachsenhar, Nick Henning, Andrew Martin.
Biggest Game tip : Play your own gaming, playing just the accepted best strategy will only get you so far.
For those on the fence I would say : That they have free will and can do as they please. If they want to be convinced I'll mention that the tournaments have been well run and the open gaming library is impressive.