VIEW Player Bio

Michael Vaz
Location : Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Bragging Rights : Tournament Champion in: SAGRADA (World Boardgaming Championships 2024), TICKET TO RIDE (EuroQuest 2023), TICKET TO RIDE - 1st Place (Tie) (Meeple League 2023), LORDS OF WATERDEEP (Gencon 2018), KINGDOM BUILDER (Gencon 2018, 2015), ALIEN FRONTIERS (Prezcon 2015), PUERTO RICO (Origins 2015), TICKET TO RIDE EUROPE (Origins 2015), GREAT CANADIAN BOARD GAME BLITZ (KanataKon 2014, HammerCon 2013) and last but not least former Floor Judge at World Series of Board Gaming!
Number of Years Competing : Long time Boardgaming competitor
Favorite Game : The Castles of Burgundy
Game that got me Hooked : Lords of Waterdeep and Kingdom Builder
Why I wanted to come to WSBG : To have fun and also to win a Ring and a Bracelet
Biggest Board Game Nemesis : Jung
Biggest Game tip : Practice a lot and learn everything you can about the game. Sounds simple, but it's true.
For those on the fence I would say : Just go to WSBG. You can win money doing something you love!