VIEW Player Bio
Chris White
Location : Denver, CO, USA
Bragging Rights : Anytime I beat SirSmoke in terraforming mars. He has been in the top 50 in online play. Other than that this is my first major competition!
Number of Years Competing : 1
Favorite Game : Nucleum
Game that got me Hooked : Gaia Project
Why I wanted to come to WSBG : I love competing in board games and I love spending time in Vegas.
Biggest Board Game Nemesis : SirSmoke on BGA. He is just a tough player at all games to beat.
Biggest Game tip : Depends on the game! There is usually a counterintuitive play and it usually involves patience.
For those on the fence I would say : Don't be intimidated by the competition. If you enjoy board games, join the competition. Most games have some luck, and you never know if it will favor you.