VIEW Player Bio

Robert Peavyhouse
Location : Michigan, United States
Bragging Rights : 2nd place 2023 WSBG Dice Throne tournament, 3 year running Gencon Dice Throne Champion, Dice Throne, various other tournaments for Dice Throne, Boss Monster, and Clank
Number of Years Competing : 2
Favorite Game : Dice Throne
Game that got me Hooked : Boss Monster
Why I wanted to come to WSBG : Originally for the Dice Throne tournament
Biggest Board Game Nemesis : Blayne, who beat me in the DT finals last year, and Vlado, who knocked me out in the Splendor semifinals and went on to win.
Biggest Game tip : Over time, I have begun to notice that if I score more points than everyone else, I tend to win. Not sure if that works for everyone, but I've had good luck with it.
For those on the fence I would say : As emperor Palpatine once said, "Do it."