Tournament Game
Stonemaier Games
Elizabeth Hargrave
PLAYING Wingspan
SUNDAY, SEPT. 22 | 9:00 AM
Ring Event Competitors will play the Wingspan base game with NO expansions. Swift start cards will not be used. Games will use the green side of the end-of-round goals cards. The following four bird cards may not be played in Round 1: Chihuahuan Raven, Common Raven, Franklin’s Gull, Killdeer. Seating/starting player will be determined randomly. In the case of a tie, the tying player with the most remaining food tokens will advance. If still tied, the tying player in the highest-numbered starting position (Seat 5 in a five-player game) will advance.
Players are bird enthusiasts trying to attract a variety of birds to their aviaries. Players draw goals and choose birds, adding them to their aviaries and earning points based on the goals drawn for each round. At the end of four rounds, the player with the most points wins. View the full Wingspan rule book.
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