Tournament Game
War of the Ring
Ares Games
Roberto DiMeglio, Marco Maggi & Francesco Nepitello
PLAYING War of the Ring
SATURDAY SEPT. 21 STARTING AT 12:00 Noon & Continued SUNDAY, SEPT. 22
WGI Competitors will play the War of the Ring Game
without optional rules or expansions.
Players will bid for sides;
the first player to bid will be determined randomly.
– There is an auction using Action Tokens to determine sides. (Action Token Rules)
– The higher seed bids first. (We would use coin toss if tied)
– Only Action Tokens will be used during the auction (e.g. no Dwarven Rings).
– Each bid must be higher than the previous bid, but jumping is allowed (e.g. 1, then 3).
– A player receiving tokens must take the same number of each type of token, if possible (e.g. with 4 tokens, you get two of each). If you receive an odd number of tokens, the player receiving the tokens gets to pick which odd token they want, prior to drawing any cards at the start of the game. (E.g. with 3 tokens, you get 2 of one kind, and 1 of the other kind, your choice.)
– If a player bids infinite tokens (the highest possible bid), their opponent must accept. In that case, the opponent receives an unlimited number of each token (but still limited to a single use each round).
A strategy game set in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Middle-earth. One side plays the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, and the other controls the forces of Shadow. The game involves battles, questing, and the journey of the Fellowship. Players seek to either destroy the Ring or conquer enough of Middle-earth. It’s a mix of tactical battles and strategic planning. Download the War of the Ring game rules here.
Feel free to contact us with any further questions.
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