Tournament Game
Ticket to Ride
Days of Wonder
Alan R. Moon
PLAYING Ticket to Ride
SUNDAY, SEPT. 22 | 11:00 AM
Ring Event competitors will play the original Ticket to Ride base game with NO expansions. Seating/starting player will be determined randomly. If two or more players are tied at game’s end, the tying player who completed the most tickets will advance. If there is still a tie, the tying player in the highest-numbered starting position (seat 5 in a five-player game, etc.) will advance.
Players are friends who are trying to travel by train to as many North American cities as they can in seven days. They build train routes by drawing cards that display different types of train cars, connect cities and attempt to complete the Longest Continuous Path on the game board. Players earn points by achieving these goals, and the player with the most points at the end of the last round wins. View the full Ticket to Ride rule book.
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