Tournament Game
Terraforming Mars
Fryx Games, Stronghold Games
Jacob Fryxelius
PLAYING Terraforming Mars
Ring Event Competitors will play using the Terraforming Mars base game and Prelude expansion. Seating/start player will be determined randomly. Two base game corporations and one prelude corporation will be dealt to each player. These cards will NOT be drafted. Five project cards will be dealt out and drafted left; then five project cards will be dealt out and drafted right. Four prelude cards will then be dealt to each player, drafted left. At this point, players choose one corporation, two preludes and any project cards they wish to pay for and keep. In the case of a tie, the tying player with the most money will advance. If still tied, the tying player in the highest-numbered starting position (seat 5 in a five-player game) will advance.
Players are leaders of corporations attempting to terraform the planet Mars in the 25th century. Players earn points by starting and completing projects that will make Mars habitable and generally advancing settlement throughout the solar system. The player with the highest Terraform Rating and most victory points at the end of the game is the winner. View the full Terraforming Mars rule book.
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