Tournament Game
Inside Up Games
Maxime Tardif
TUESDAY, SEPT. 24 | 9:00 AM
Ring Event Competitors will play the Earth base game with no expansions. Seating/starting player will be determined randomly. Due to the nature of this tournament, play of Earth will not occur simultaneously. Play will begin with the player in Seat One, who will run through all their actions and then pass a supplied WSBG Active Player card to the next player to signal the completion of their turn. That player will complete their turn, and pass the Active Player Card to the next player, and so on. After all players have resolved actions set in motion by the initial Active Player’s selection, play will progress in a clockwise manner. Tiebreakers are resolved in the following order: The tying player with the 1) most soil in reserve 2) most cards in hand 3) most growth 4) most sprouts 5) most composted cards 6) highest number starting position (Seat Four in a 4-Player game)
Earth is a tableau builder for up to 5 players with simple rules and countless strategic possibilities. Players will create a self-supporting engine of growth, expansion, and supply by drafting from a deck of over 364 unique cards. View the full Earth rule book.
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