Tournament Game
Alderac Entertainment Group & Flatout Games
Randy Flynn
PLAYING Cascadia
WEDNESDAY, September 25, 2023 11:00 AM
Ring Event Competitors will play the Cascadia base game. Promotional wildlife scoring cards will not be used. Seating, start player, starter tiles, and scoring cards will be selected at random. Habitat and keystone tiles will be shuffled and distributed from a single pile. Wildlife tokens will be placed, whenever necessary, from left to right, with the rightmost being located beside the pool of nature tokens. All players should confirm that all required wildlife tokens are in the drawbag before replacement wildlife tokens are drawn. All wildlife tokens shall be drawn one at a time. If more than one is ever drawn at once, then all of those tokens will be placed back in the drawbag, with another player having the opportunity to shake the bag before a single replacement tile is drawn. In the case of a tie, the tying player with the most nature tokens will advance. In the case of a further tie, the tying player in the highest-numbered starting position (seat 4 in a four-player game) will advance.
Use clever tile-laying skills to recreate the majestic environment of the American Pacific Northwest, where placement of bears, elk, salmon, foxes, and hawks earns players points in this very entertaining puzzle game.
View the Cascadia-Rules.pdf
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