Tournament Game
Ark Nova
Capstone Games
Mathias Wigge
Monday, September 23, 2023 9:00 AM
Ring Event Competitors will play the Ark Nova base game. All players at the same table will play with the same map (A, 0-8), which will be selected by WSBG tournament officials. Seating and starting player will be chosen at random. Instead of using the interactive abilities Venom, Hypnosis, Pilfering, and Constriction found on some animal cards, players will use the alternate effects specified in the blue box on those cards: Inventive, Determination, Sprint, or Clever. The Final Scoring Card “Biodiverse Zoo” will be removed from the game. The player with the highest victory point total will advance. In the case of a tie, the tying player who supported the most conservation projects will advance. In case of a further tie, the tying player in the highest-numbered starting position (seat 4 in a four-player game) will advance.
Players compete to design the most successful modern zoo, building custom habitats for a variety of magnificent animals and supporting critical conservation efforts around the world.
View Capstone’s introductory video here: https://youtu.be/47rBawxfKyY
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