Tournament Game
Lost Ruins of Arnak
Czech Games Edition
Min & Elwen
PLAYING Lost Ruins of Arnak
MONDAY, SEPT. 23 | 11:00 AM
Ring Event competitors will play the Lost Ruins of Arnak base game with no expansions. Only the Bird Temple will be used. Seating/starting player will be determined randomly. Tiebreakers will be resolved in the following order: Tying player who: 1) reached the Lost Temple first 2) has the highest research score 3) has the most gathered idol tokens 4) has the most fear cards 5) has defeated the most guardians 6) started in the highest-numbered starting position (Seat 4 in a four-player game)
World Series of Board Gaming rules, special procedures, and tiebreakers will be posted by August 1, 2024. Players lead rival expeditions to a newly discovered island. Explore jungles, find artifacts, and discover the Lost Ruins of Arnak! View the full Lost Ruins of Arnak rule book.
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