about the 2025 ring games
terraforming mars

Fryx Games, Stronghold Games
Jacob Fryxelius
playing terraforming mars
fri. 9/19/2025 - 9:00 AM
Ring Event competitors should be prepared to play using the Terraforming Mars base game, Prelude expansion, and Hellas/Elysium expansions. Seating/start player will be determined randomly. In the case of a tie, the tying player with the most money will advance. If still tied, the tying player in the highest-numbered starting position (Seat Five in a 5-player game) will advance.
about the game
Players are leaders of corporations attempting to terraform the planet Mars in the 25th century. Players earn points by starting and completing projects that will make Mars habitable and generally advancing settlement throughout the solar system. The player with the highest Terraform Rating and most victory points at the end of the game is the winner. View the full Terraforming Mars rule book.
brass: birmingham

Roxley Games
Martin Wallace, Matt Tolman and
Gavan Brown
playing brass: birmingham
fri. 9/19/2025 - 10:00 AM
Ring Event Competitors will play the Brass: Birmingham base game. Seating/start player will be determined randomly. Tie-breakers are, in order: highest income, most money, and finally, highest-numbered starting position (seat 4 in a four-player game).
about the game
Players are entrepreneurs in Birmingham, England, during the Industrial Revolution. They must establish and develop industries, build canals and railways, and attempt to manipulate the market. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game is the winner. View the full Brass: Birmingham rule book.
the white castle

Isra c., shel s.
playing the white castle
fri. 9/19/2025 - 11:00 AM
WSBG Game Procedures for The White Castle will be posted by March 31, 2025.
about the game
The White Castle is a Eurogame in which players use resource management, worker placement, and dice placement to carry out actions. During the game, over three rounds players send members of their clan to tend the gardens, defend the castle, or progress up the social ladder of the nobility. At the end of the match, these activities award players points in a variety of ways

Next Move Games
Michael Kiesling
playing azul
fri. 9/19/2025 - 12:00 pM
Ring Event Competitors will play the Azul base game with NO expansions. Seating/start player will be determined randomly. Players will play the preprinted side of the board. In the case of a tie, the player with the most complete rows will win. In the case of a further tie, the tying player in the highest-numbered seat (seat 4 in a four-player game, etc.) will advance.
about the game
Players are tile-laying artists commissioned to decorate the Royal Palace of Evora in Portugal. Tiles are chosen strategically; points are earned as tiles are placed on the palace wall and lost when tiles are wasted. The player with the most points at the end of the game is the winner. View the full Azul rule book.

Inside Up Games
Maxime Tardif

playing earth
sat. 9/20/2025 - 9:00 AM
Ring Event Competitors will play the Earth base game with no expansions. Seating/starting player will be determined randomly. Due to the nature of this tournament, play of Earth will not occur simultaneously. Play will begin with the player in Seat One, who will run through all their actions and then pass a supplied WSBG Active Player card to the next player to signal the completion of their turn. That player will complete their turn, and pass the Active Player Card to the next player, and so on. After all players have resolved actions set in motion by the initial Active Player’s selection, play will progress in a clockwise manner. Tiebreakers are resolved in the following order: The tying player with the 1) most soil in reserve 2) most cards in hand 3) most growth 4) most sprouts 5) most composted cards 6) highest number starting position (Seat Four in a 4-Player game)
about the game
Earth is a tableau builder for up to 5 players with simple rules and countless strategic possibilities. Players will create a self-supporting engine of growth, expansion, and supply by drafting from a deck of over 364 unique cards. View the full Earth rule book.
dune: imperium uprising

Dire Wolf Digital
Paul Dennen
playing dune uprising
sat. 9/20/2025 - 10:00 AM
WSBG Game Procedures for Dune: Imperium Uprising
about the game
Uprising is a stand-alone expansion that expands on Dune: Imperium’s blend of deck-building and worker placement. Continue to balance military might with political intrigue, wielding new tools in pursuit of victory. Spies will shore up your plans. Vital contracts will expand your resources. Or learn the ways of the Fremen and ride mighty sandworms into battle! The Imperium awaits!

Alderac Entertainment Group &
Flatout Games
Randy Flynn
playing cascadia
sat. 9/20/2025 - 11:00 AM
Ring Event competitors will play the Cascadia base game with no expansions or promotional cards. In the case of a tie, the tying player with the most nature tokens will advance. If still tied, the tying player in the highest-numbered starting position (Seat Four in a 4-player game) will advance.
about the game
Use clever tile-laying skills to recreate the majestic environment of the American Pacific Northwest, where placement of bears, elk, salmon, foxes, and hawks earns players points in this very entertaining puzzle game.
View the Cascadia-Rules.pdf

25th Century Games
Reiner Knizia
playing ra
sat. 9/20/2025 - 12:00 pM
Ring Event Competitors will play the Ra base game. Seating will be determined randomly. Starting player will be determined through the normal drawing of tiles, with the player in seat 1 drawing first. After each player has drawn, the player with the highest-numbered sun disk takes the first turn. In the case of a tie, the tied player with the highest-numbered sun disk will win the game.
about the game
Players are royal advisors to Egyptian pharaohs. They attempt to gain power by advancing civilization in Egypt and glorifying the sun god, Ra. They earn points by constructing buildings and monuments, farming, and promoting culture and technology. The player with the most points at the end of the third round is the winner. View the full Ra rule book.

Stonemaier Games
Elizabeth Hargrave
playing wingspan
sun. 9/21/2025 - 9:00 aM
Ring Event Competitors will play the Wingspan base game with NO expansions. Swift start cards will not be used. Games will use the green side of the end-of-round goals cards. The following four bird cards may not be played in Round 1: Chihuahuan Raven, Common Raven, Franklin’s Gull, Killdeer. Seating/starting player will be determined randomly. In the case of a tie, the tying player with the most remaining food tokens will advance. If still tied, the tying player in the highest-numbered starting position (Seat 5 in a five-player game) will advance.
about the game
Players are bird enthusiasts trying to attract a variety of birds to their aviaries. Players draw goals and choose birds, adding them to their aviaries and earning points based on the goals drawn for each round. At the end of four rounds, the player with the most points wins. View the full Wingspan rule book.
the castles of burgundy

Stefan Feld
playing the castles of burgundy
sun. 9/21/2025 - 10:00 aM
Ring Event Competitors will play the 2019 Anniversary Edition base game. All players at the same table will play with the same duchy/player board. These boards (#1-10) will be selected by WSBG tournament officials. Seating/starting player will be chosen at random. The #6 Monastery/Knowledge tile will be played in all tournament games using the following errata: If this tile is in your duchy, once per turn you may spend 2 workers to buy any single beige building tile from the board except from the black depot. If there is a tie, the player with the most unused hex spaces in their duchy wins the game. If there is still a tie, the tying player who is farthest behind on the bridge is the winner.
about the game
Players will lead their realms to fortune and glory in 15th century France. Gather and place tiles upon your player board, constructing great castles and collecting wealth. In the end, the player who accumulates the most victory points by building the most successful realm will prove the victor in this classic game!
lost ruins of arnak

Czech Games Edition
Min & Elwen
playing lost ruins of arnak
sun. 9/21/2025 - 11:00 aM
Ring Event competitors will play the Lost Ruins of Arnak base game with no expansions. Only the Bird Temple will be used. Seating/starting player will be determined randomly. Tiebreakers will be resolved in the following order: Tying player who: 1) reached the Lost Temple first 2) has the highest research score 3) has the most gathered idol tokens 4) has the most fear cards 5) has defeated the most guardians 6) started in the highest-numbered starting position (Seat 4 in a four-player game)
about the game
World Series of Board Gaming rules, special procedures, and tiebreakers will be posted by August 1, 2024. Players lead rival expeditions to a newly discovered island. Explore jungles, find artifacts, and discover the Lost Ruins of Arnak! View the full Lost Ruins of Arnak rule book.
heat: pedal to the metal

Days of Wonder
Asger Harding Granerud & Daniel Skjold Pedersen
playing heat: pedal to the metal
sun. 9/21/2025 - 12:00 pM
Ring Event competitors will play the Heat: Pedal to the Metal base game with no expansions. Weather and Road Conditions will not be used. Modified Garage Module and Tournament Mode rules will be used. Please click on the game procedures link below for further details.
about the game
Based on simple and intuitive hand management, Heat: Pedal to the Metal puts you in the driver’s seat of intense car races. You are jockeying for position to cross the finish line first, while managing your car’s speed if you don’t want to overheat.
ark nova

Capstone Games
Mathias Wigge
playing ark nova
mon. 9/22/2025 - 9:00 aM
Ring Event Competitors will play the Ark Nova base game. All players at the same table will play with the same map (Base Game 0-8 or Tournament Map 1), which will be selected by WSBG tournament officials. Seating and starting player will be chosen at random. Instead of using the interactive abilities Venom, Hypnosis, Pilfering, and Constriction found on some animal cards, players will use the alternate effects specified in the blue box on those cards: Inventive, Determination, Sprint, or Clever. The Final Scoring Card “Biodiverse Zoo” will be removed from the game. The player with the highest victory point total will advance. In the case of a tie, the tying player who supported the most conservation projects will advance. In case of a further tie, the tying player in the highest-numbered starting position (seat 4 in a four-player game) will advance.
about the game
Players compete to design the most successful modern zoo, building custom habitats for a variety of magnificent animals and supporting critical conservation efforts around the world.
View Capstone’s introductory video here: https://youtu.be/47rBawxfKyY
great western trail

Alexander Pfister
playing great western trail
mon. 9/22/2025 - 10:00 aM
Ring Event Competitors will play the Second Edition of Great Western Trail with NO expansions. Seating/start player will be determined randomly. Simmental cattle will not be used. In the case of a tie, the tying player in the highest-numbered starting position (seat 4 in a four-player game) will advance.
about the game
Players are 19th-century American ranchers who must send their cattle by rail from Texas to Kansas City. They earn points by making wise business decisions such as hiring skilled cowboys and engineers, building useful structures along the train route, and successfully transporting and selling their herds. The player with the most victory points at the end of the game wins. View the full Great Western Trail rule book.

Sid Sackson
playing acquire
mon. 9/22/2025 - 11:00 aM
Ring Event Competitors will be playing the 2023 Renegade version of Acquire in Classic Mode. A player’s money and stocks will be private. Seating will be determined randomly. Starting player will be determined through the normal drawing of tiles, with the player in Seat 1 drawing first. In case of a tie, the closest tying player to the right of the starting player will advance.
about the game
Players are investors attempting to be the majority shareholder in their corporations. As businesses grow, players can merge them and earn sizable bonuses. The player with the most wealth at the end of the game is the winner. View the full Acquire rule book.

Space Cowboys
Marc André
playing splendor
mon. 9/22/2025 - 12:00 pM
Ring Event Competitors will play the Splendor base game with NO expansions. Seating/starting player will be determined randomly. In the case of a tie, the player who has purchased the fewest development cards will win. In case of another tie, the tying player in the highest-numbered starting position (seat 4 in a four-player game, etc.) will advance.
about the game
Each player is a Renaissance merchant hoping to increase their prestige by mining, transporting and selling gems. When they reach a certain echelon, players can also gain prestige by associating with nobles. The player with the most prestige points at the end of the last round is the winner. View the full Splendor rule book.
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